Thursday, October 30, 2014

One Kind Act For Yourself

We have focused a lot lately on kind words especially in emotional settings. Now we are going to change it up a little bit. This week’s post is about doing something kind for yourself each day.  Drive through Starbucks and get your favorite drink. Or even go inside and drink your favorite drink while listening to the great music they play. Go on a walk through your neighborhood. Take deep breaths after finishing a tedious task. Take a nice bath after work and add in some bath salt. Read a chapter or two of your favorite book. Just do something to give yourself a break and make your day a little brighter.

Far too often we get caught up in our daily routines and deadlines. We work ourselves all day and either feel nothing at the end of the day or feel terrible. There is nothing wrong with routines, and deadlines are important but being kind to yourself is important too. Break up the monotony of your routine a little bit by doing something for yourself that will make you feel good by the end of the day. We could all use a little more sunshine and happiness in our daily routines and stressful deadlines. Making a practice of this each day will improve your mood for years to come. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

One Kind Thing Towards Others

In the last post, we talked about saying one kind word to yourself. Following this trend we will talk about saying one kind word towards others. Some examples of when this would be relevant are when you are in a difficult situation, feeling distressing emotions, or in conflict in a relationship. We have all in been in one of these situations. Unfortunately, we all know what it is like to react inappropriately and make a bad situation worse, hurt a relationship, or both. One way to help control your emotions is saying one kind word in your head toward the other person. Some examples are “breathe, peace, calm.” This can really help you control your emotions and outward expressions to the other person. When we have both of those under control, we can handle the bad situation better. This is a great solution to having healthier relationships that solve problems instead of fight to the point of exhaustion.

With kindness-
