A Japanese researcher named Masaru Emoto did a study on water
crystals. He and his team took samples from tap water, distilled water, river
water, and lake water. They took their water samples from areas close to big
cities and far from big cities. They then showed letters and pictures, played
music, spoke prayers and kind words to some of the water samples. They exposed
other water samples to things that are negative and even ignored some water.
They froze all of the samples and observed the crystals that had formed.
The water samples that they showed positive images to, played lovely music, and
spoke to nicely had much more beautiful crystals than the other samples.
Likewise, the samples from water sources far away from big cities were more
beautiful than the samples from sources close to the city. So what does this
mean and how is it relevant to this blog or to you?
Our bodies are on average 57-60% water. That means that the things
that have a positive effect on water, have a positive effect on our bodies.
When we expose the cells of our bodies to negative stimuli we experience
negative consequences. When we envelope our daily lives with positive
images, energy, and kind words and music we experience positive results.
Physically speaking one kind word to yourself everyday can have a huge
effect on your body, not just on your thoughts, on a very cellular level. Here
are some ways you can accomplish this. If you are stressed tell yourself
to breathe. You could say "relax, calm, worthy, courage, strength,” or
even “intelligence". If you are angry, speak the words "peace,
serenity, stability, solutions" to help ease your anger. Whatever
you are struggling with, find a positive word to counteract it. It will make
your life, like the water crystals, much more beautiful.
Here is the website if you want to know more about the water
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